How can we preview the promotion?

Visual Preview

When viewing the offer editor, you can quickly preview the design and copy of a promotion within the left hand side preview. It's important to note that the store's checkout styling (such as colors) as well as order eligibility are not considered when showing this preview. To get the most accurate preview (for eligibility & styling), we recommend placing a testing order.

Eligibility Preview

You can use the order simulator which was recently launched to provide a way to preview how eligibility rules might affect a promotion. It's still recommended to place a test order to verify all eligibility rules are working as intended. To prevent customers from seeing the promotion, the following steps are recommended:

  1. While creating the promotion, under Customer eligibility, select "Customers with any tag of...." and enter a unique customer tag:
  1. Enable the promotion
  2. Add the customer tag from step 1 to your test customer, for example promotion-test.
  3. On the storefront, log into the customer with the tag from step 1 and place an order that matches the order & product eligibility.
  4. You should see the promotion but note that it will not show for other customers unless they too have the same customer tag.
  5. If all looks good, remove the Customer eligibility or adjust to match your preference and save the promotion.

Checkout Browser Console Log

On the payment step of checkout, you will see a console log within the browser developer tools with the passing promotion id. This can help you more quickly test which promotion would show or if no promotion would be passing:

Why does the offer editor preview always show "Select product options"?

The offer editor preview is exactly that - a preview. It's not meant to be a fully functional preview and is rather intended to quickly and easily setup the visual and pricing aspects of the offer. To view the offer with full functionality, you must place a test order. Don't worry if "product options not available" is shown since the button will be functional on the actual offer.

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