Event Types for Analytics

When viewing the events log, you'll see each event has a type which denotes the type of event that occurred. the following is a comprehensive list of all events:

  • View: A customer viewed the promotion
  • Click: A customer clicked on the redemption button for a promotion
  • Decline: A customer declined the promotion
  • Non redemption: A customer clicked on redemption but payment failed resulting in the product being removed from the order. Non redemption events are not included in revenue and conversion data to prevent skewing results.
  • Redemption: A customer successfully redeemed a promotion and paid for it (if applicable).

Why are my promotion's clicks higher than total redemptions?

Depending on the promotion's location, there can be times where a click does not result in a redemption. Typically this is due to either payment failing such as the card declining a second transaction on post purchase or a customer failing 3DS on post purchase. A click will only result in a redemption if payment was successful, otherwise it will result in a non redemption event.

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