Do out of stock products show?

Checkout Promotions updates the products selected on an offer every hour. Product information updated includes imagery, product title, sku, pricing, and inventory.

Do out of stock products show?

If a product is fully out of stock and "Continue selling when out of stock" is disabled, the product will not show. For single product promotions, the promotion will be skipped and the next promotion within the priority list will be evaluated. 

Do out of stock variants show?

If a product is fully out of stock and "Continue selling when out of stock" is disabled, the variant option will not show.

Product shows as out of stock when redeeming a promotion:

There are two possibilities:

1. Currently, you either have to wait for the hourly sync to run or delete & re-add the product to the offer. In the near future, a manual sync option will be added.

2. Make sure the product is set to be visible on the "Online Store" sales channel. If a product is in stock but not available on the Online store, it can't be redeemed.

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